Friday, July 10, 2009
As Good as Youtube Gets
Shinskie, 25, Commits to BC
LOOP - David Shinskie, a 25 year old who has been playing minor league baseball player for the last 6 years, has committed to Boston College, and is their leading candidate for the starting quarterback job. Shinskie hasn't played organized football since the East-West Shrine game in June 2003. He had originally signed a letter of intent to play football and baseball at Delaware but was drafted by the Twins in the 4th round of that year, pitching in AA there for 6 years before joining the Blue Jays’ league farm system. Shinskie was released three weeks ago by the Jays, but still wanted an opportunity to compete in athletics. "I've always been a competitive guy," he told "I've been playing sports my whole life. When a door closes and another opportunity opens, I'm just going to try my best when I go there." Good to hear, Dave. You're really giving Eagle nation a lot to look forward to, citing the fact that you’ve played sports your whole life as a motivating factor for being our man under center in the ACC next year.
This is the sketchiest college football situation since Greg Paulus, arguably my least favorite athlete and/or person on this planet, told the world he would be playing football at Syracuse in the upcoming season. Shinskie is 25 and he’s going to be a freshman? (Lebron James is 24... yeah). First of all, my sincere apologies to all BC male freshman, on a count of this 25-year-old QB is going to be setting the bar pretty high in the eyes of your female counterparts. I suppose this is a positive for the Eagles, considering the only QB on the team with any experience at all was forced to transfer for academic reasons, and next in line were Codi Boek, a former junior college transfer who was playing fullback just a year ago, and Justin Tuggle, a red shirt freshman. It’s just going to be hard for me to get over the fact that I’m a grade above a football player who’s old enough to be the father of my little sister.
Eligibility guidelines have always intrigued me, and this is just a great example of why. However, big Dave is really using them to his advantage, and is setting one hell of an example for how we should all try and go about our twenties. The fact is “Living your Life Between 18 and 30 Like and Absolute Legend: The David Shinskie Story” is going to be a New York Times best seller.
Observations from a Mets Game

-It's hard to get excited about your team when Nick Evans is your starting left fielder and Livan Hernandez your starting pitcher (Livan has allowed 15 earned runs in two July starts).
-Randy Wolf is definitely a legal midget, there is no way he is taller than 4'11 and I will stand by that fact.
-Fernando Tatis hits a pop fly to 2nd Basemen Orlando Hudson. I'm pretty sure in the new Yankee Stadium it would have been a home run.
-Wow, Fernando Tatis is our starting 1st Basemen and is hitting 5th.
-Omir Santos's beard rivals that of Vince's in the premeiere of Entourage season 5.
-Instead of handing out a free Mets t-shirt at the game, they handed out "G-Force" trading cards. "G-Force" is the new Disney movie coming out soon about guinea pigs who are secretly government spies. Needless to say, I'm going the night it comes out.
-Reyes is at bat! Reyes is a bat! He's not injured anymore! Oh wait, that's Argenis Reyes, the tweener Triple-A/Major League infielder. He looks like a hispanic/uglier version of Mark Whalberg. p.s. never a good sign for the real Reyes (Jose) when in a response to why Reyes isn't playing, the owner sarcastically states: "his leg hurts."
-Luis Castillio came out to the song "Make Me Better" by Fabolous. My respect for Luis has changed as much as Clay Aiken's sexual orientation (never). But still, good song.
-The "Kiss Cam" might be the greatest thing they have to offer at Citi Field. During the middle of the 5th, they show random couples on the Globotron, and they have to kiss while the whole crowd watches. I have seen my share of funny Kiss Cam moments: two girls making out, two 80 year olds making out, but never have a seen a make out of this intensity. They showed a couple, and they just attacked each other's mouths with ferocity.
-Keith Hernandez is the greatest. When his 'Just for Men' add comes up on the Globotron and it shows his great black moustache, I just get all giddy inside. Similar to the way Ruben Studdard feels when someone tells him that they loved the album: "I'm Sorry for 2004".
-Orlando Hudson gets hit by a pitch around the pelvic region. A drunk fan blurts out "IT MUST HAVE HIT THE TIP". I chuckled.
-Joe Torre comes out to console Hudson. Great to see him. Miss him, even though I'm a Mets fan. He seems very happy with his decision to go to L.A.
-Ball Boy's favor girls/kids. If you're above the age of 16 and you are male, you will never get a ball tossed to you by a ball boy.
-When I was going to my seat, a girl held open the door for me. I was pleased that she had and said thank you, she was pleased that I had thanked so she smiled and said you're welcome. Everybody wins.
-During the game, the Mets dugout is a somber as Mark Cuban is after a full day goes by and he realizes: "I didn't piss anyone off today. Damn it."
-Jeremy Reed is as qualified to be in the MLB as Turtle from "Entourage" is to be a C.P.A.
-For those of you keeping tally: that is now two references from American Idol Season 2, as well as two Entourage references. Last season of Entourage premieres Sunday and I am quite excited.
-Manny doesn't give a shit about anyone and I love it. He wears #99 to chafe everyone, and I'm convinced his junk swings way below the knees. He's so good: 2-2 with 2 rbi's and two walks. So valuable.
-The only player on the Mets that would start in the Dodgers lineup is David Wright.
-The Mets have a lot of work to do.