The first ten minutes of the episode start off swimmingly until they transitioned into the topic of Steve McNair. Before they discussed the impact his death has on his legacy, Adande blurts out to LeBetard: "you prob won't be able to cope with this next story, because you induce hatred everywhere you go." Like, ok Adande, random and unnecessary, but I don't hate you yet.
Then they get into the Steve McNair story. Dan states how the fact he was killed with (or by) a 20-year-old woman who is not is wife will negatively impact his NFL legacy. Adande counters by saying: "personal life off the field should never impact the way we view someone's career on the field." I somewhat disagree, but I think its an opinion and not an awful point by J.A, but next is what really gets me.
Dan makes the great point of how we never really have seen a death in this way by such a young and newly retired quarterback. Even if athletes die at a young age, it's rarely in the bizarre way McNair was found dead - in a condo that he owned, cheating on his wife, with gunshots in him. Even Sean Taylor's death was a sadder one because he actually was not doing anything wrong when he was shot. LeBetard continues to talk about how McNair will be remembered in two ways now, as opposed to just the great leader who was one yard away from potentially winning a Superbowl. So before the bell rings (which means the topic is over) Adande blurts out: "the way he died should not change the way we view him off the field either, tons of athletes do stuff like this and we do not view them as a differently." Really? Did you really just say that? So basically, even though McNair was found dead with a woman other than his wife and he got killed because of it, we still won't view him off the field differently? Um, I don't really have much else to go by in terms of knowing Steve McNair off the field. Even the great Jeff Fisher acknowledged the unfortunate circumstances of his death, realizing it would "taint his legacy." Do fans view Ray Lewis now as a scary freak after his murder allegations and not just a good linebacker? Yes. Jesus, J.A.
Afterwards, the PTI replacements got into a discussion about the late Michael Jackson. They talked about the memorial for him and his impact on the industry as well as the world which was all very nice. LeBetard not-so-gracefully states how we will remember Michael Jackson as not only the great performer, "but also for his weirdness." This is a point I agree with, as I do with roughly 67% of points made by Dan LeBetard. Adande's counter before the buzzer sounds: "well we would never talk about his weirdness if he wasn't the greatest performance I have ever since." First of all, well said, starting with we and ending with I. Second of all, are you saying that all very weird not-as-popular celebrities that have died are not remembered for their weirdness because they weren't great enough? Retarded, J.A. But it is Michael and he used to be black and you are black so I guess I'll let this one slide.
Then the replacement duo led by Shane Falco discusses tennis - girls tennis. Adande talks about Serena Williams and how he likes the fact that she sometimes doesn't take tennis too seriously because "if she was singly focused on tennis, she wouldn't last as long." Then he goes onto say "I'd much rather remember interesting people as professional athletes than these devoted wackos." Wait a second J.A., when you were talking about McNair, didn't you say what kind of a person he was has nothing to do with his professional career? Then you say you'd rather have enigmatic people over devoted athletes who always take their sport seriously? Do on the field and off the field character correlate or not? Make up your mind.
I was going to get into what J.A. said about Artest going to the Lakers, but it pissed me off too much to write about, so I'll take you to commercial brake where Adande says to Dan: "how about the way I'm wiping the floor with you in this edition of PTI." What does this accomplish, making you look like an idiot? Yes. Well done.
My favorite part of watching PTI is during commericals because during every commerical break they'll cut back to the PTI studio and show the guys joking around a little. This time, LeBetard and Adande we're singing some song (I didn't know what it was), but to my dismay/surprise, Adande actually has a very solid voice. Put one tally in your column, J.A.
After break, LeBetard breaks the irrelevant news that Chad 'OchoCinco' Johnson will be "tweeting" during games. He also talked about how twitter is a bad idea for athletes because many of them are stupid and will post regrettable statements. For example, after Michael Jackson died, Chad Johnson tweeted that "....this is just as sad as 9/11." Aggressive/retarded statement. I hate tweet, so does LeBetard, so does Ada-.....oh wait, he loves twitter. He's a huge fan: "twitter allows you to express anything you want about your emotion in 140 words or less." Sweet Adande. Then Adande goes for the finishing touch on me hating him, before commerical break: "I'm gonna tweet right now: kicking LeBetard's ass in toss-up. How about that?" How about SHUT UP J.A.. Kornheiser and Wilbon never claim that one of them is 'beating' the other, only occasionally joke about who made less mistakes. Not only that, but J.A. somehow mentioned three times in the same episode that he was kicking LeBetards ass on the show - which he wasn't, at all. He really makes me cringe.
Maybe Adande is just mad that he looks like a penguin - watch the show, it's true. Regardless, a sportscaster I once thought I knew and respected is now someone who will only generate negative thoughts in my mind. Don't worry J.A., I doubt this post will taint your legacy.
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